Iranian Hackers Target Middle East Policy Experts with New BASICSTAR Backdoor

In recent cyber warfare developments, Iranian hackers, famously known as Charming Kitten, have resurfaced with a sophisticated attack strategy. This time, their target is Middle East policy experts, leveraging a newly identified backdoor called BASICSTAR. This article explores the intricacies of the attack, shedding light on the tactics employed by the threat actors and the implications for cybersecurity.

Understanding Charming Kitten

APT35: Alias of Charming Kitten

Charming Kitten, also recognized by aliases such as APT35, Mint Sandstorm, and Yellow Garuda, has a notorious reputation for orchestrating social engineering campaigns. These campaigns often target high-profile entities like think tanks, NGOs, and journalists, aiming to infiltrate sensitive networks and gather valuable intelligence.


Unconventional Tactics

According to Volexity researchers, Charming Kitten adopts unconventional social-engineering tactics, engaging targets in prolonged email conversations before luring them into clicking malicious links. This approach enhances the success rate of their attacks, making it challenging for victims to detect suspicious activities.

The Threat Landscape

High-Profile Targets

Recent revelations by Microsoft indicate that Charming Kitten has intensified its efforts by targeting high-profile individuals involved in Middle Eastern affairs. Malware such as MischiefTut and MediaPl (aka EYEGLASS) have been deployed to compromise hosts, enabling the extraction of sensitive information.

Affiliation with IRGC

Charming Kitten is believed to be affiliated with Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a powerful military organization. This affiliation underscores the strategic importance of cyber warfare in Iran’s geopolitical agenda, with Charming Kitten serving as a key cyber warfare unit.

The Modus Operandi

Phishing Attacks

During September and October 2023, phishing attacks were detected where Charming Kitten impersonated the Rasanah International Institute for Iranian Studies (IIIS).The attackers utilized compromised email accounts and Multi-Persona Impersonation (MPI) techniques to deceive targets and gain their trust.

New BASICSTAR Backdoor

The attack vectors typically involve RAR archives containing LNK files, enticing targets to join fake webinars. These webinars serve as a gateway for deploying the BASICSTAR backdoor, a Visual Basic Script (VBS) malware designed to gather system information and execute remote commands.

Tailored Attacks

Charming Kitten’s sophistication is evident in its ability to tailor attacks based on the victim’s operating system. While Windows users are targeted with the POWERLESS backdoor, macOS users fall victim to NokNok via a compromised VPN application, showcasing the adaptability of the threat actors.

Implications and Countermeasures

Persistent Threat

The resurgence of Charming Kitten underscores the persistent threat posed by state-sponsored cyber actors. Their determination to adapt and evolve their tactics necessitates a proactive approach to cybersecurity, including robust threat intelligence and enhanced defense mechanisms.

Collaboration and Awareness

Addressing the threat posed by Charming Kitten requires collaboration between governments, cybersecurity firms, and the private sector. Increased awareness and information sharing can help mitigate the impact of future attacks and strengthen cyber defenses against sophisticated adversaries.


The resurgence of Charming Kitten and its targeting of Middle East policy experts with the BASICSTAR backdoor highlights the evolving nature of cyber threats. By understanding the tactics employed by threat actors and implementing proactive security measures, organizations can mitigate the risk posed by state-sponsored cyber warfare.


  1. How can organizations detect and prevent phishing attacks?

    • Implementing email filtering solutions and conducting regular employee training on identifying phishing attempts can help organizations detect and prevent phishing attacks effectively.
  2. What steps should individuals take to enhance their cybersecurity posture?

    • Individuals should use strong, unique passwords for their accounts, enable two-factor authentication where available, and remain vigilant against suspicious emails or messages.
  3. Is there a specific tool or solution to defend against BASICSTAR and other backdoor malware?

    • While there is no one-size-fits-all solution, deploying advanced endpoint protection solutions and regularly updating security patches can help mitigate the risk of backdoor malware infections.
  4. How can organizations collaborate to address cyber threats like Charming Kitten?

    • Organizations can participate in information-sharing platforms, such as threat intelligence-sharing communities and industry-specific forums, to exchange insights and best practices for combating cyber threats.
  5. What role do government agencies play in defending against state-sponsored cyber attacks?

    • Government agencies are instrumental in coordinating cybersecurity efforts, conducting threat assessments, and implementing policies and regulations to enhance national cyber resilience.

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