Cyber attackers are exploiting the open-source SSH-Snake tool, turning it into a potent weapon for network attacks.

The emergence of open-source tools in the cybersecurity landscape has brought both opportunities and challenges, with threat actors often leveraging these tools for malicious purposes. One such example is the recent repurposing of the SSH-Snake tool by cyber criminals to conduct network attacks. Let’s delve deeper into this concerning trend and its implications.

What is of SSH-Snake

SSH-Snake initially introduced as a network mapping tool, has now been repurposed as a self-modifying worm by threat actors. Developed to facilitate automatic network traversal using SSH credentials discovered on compromised systems, SSH-Snake serves as a powerful tool for cyber attackers seeking to infiltrate networks undetected.

SSH-Snake tool

Modus Operandi of SSH-Snake

The worm operates autonomously searching for SSH credentials in known locations and shell history files on compromised systems. Upon discovery, it utilizes these credentials to spread itself throughout the network, creating a comprehensive map of network dependencies and potential attack vectors.

Observations by Sysdig

According to Sysdig researchers, SSH-Snake has been actively deployed in real-world attacks, where threat actors exploit its capabilities to harvest credentials and IP addresses of potential targets. The tool’s fileless nature and ability to facilitate lateral movement make it particularly challenging to detect and mitigate.

Developer’s Perspective

In response to the misuse of SSH-Snake, its developer, Joshua Rogers, emphasizes the importance of using the tool for legitimate security purposes. Rogers urges system owners to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in their infrastructure, rather than waiting for cybercriminals to exploit them.

Risks and Negligence

The proliferation of insecure infrastructure and negligent operational practices contribute to the effectiveness of tools like SSH-Snake in cyber attacks. Rogers highlights the need for comprehensive security measures and responsible system design to mitigate the impact of such threats.

Comparison with Lucifer Botnet

In parallel with SSH-Snake’s exploitation, the emergence of the Lucifer botnet highlights the growing sophistication of cyber threats. Exploiting misconfigurations in Apache Hadoop and Apache Druid, Lucifer underscores the importance of proactive security measures in safeguarding against network attacks.

Recent Attacks and Discoveries

Recent findings by Aqua reveal a surge in attacks targeting Apache big data stack vulnerabilities, with the Lucifer botnet orchestrating distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and cryptocurrency mining operations. These discoveries underscore the critical need for enhanced cybersecurity measures.


The repurposing of SSH-Snake by cybercriminals highlights the evolving nature of cyber threats and the importance of proactive security measures. By addressing vulnerabilities and adopting best practices, organizations can fortify their defenses against network attacks and safeguard sensitive data.

Also Read: Checkout Best Best Penetration Testing Tool


  1. What is SSH-Snake and how is it being used by cybercriminals?

    • SSH-Snake is a self-modifying worm used by threat actors to spread throughout networks by leveraging SSH credentials discovered on compromised systems.
  2. What are the implications of SSH-Snake’s fileless nature?

    • SSH-Snake’s fileless nature makes it difficult to detect and mitigate, allowing cybercriminals to operate undetected within compromised networks.
  3. What recommendations does Joshua Rogers offer to system owners?

    • Joshua Rogers advises system owners to proactively identify and address vulnerabilities in their infrastructure to prevent exploitation by cybercriminals.
  4. How does the Lucifer botnet differ from SSH-Snake in terms of attack methodology?

    • While SSH-Snake focuses on network traversal using SSH credentials, the Lucifer botnet exploits misconfigurations in Apache Hadoop and Apache Druid to orchestrate DDoS attacks and cryptocurrency mining operations.
  5. What steps can organizations take to enhance their cybersecurity posture against network attacks?

    • Organizations can bolster their cybersecurity defenses by implementing robust security measures, conducting regular vulnerability assessments, and staying informed about emerging threats and attack techniques.

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